Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Moving in

We hope to close on Friday and can't wait to move in. We really like it here in Idaho. It snowed the other day and it was a record for the earliest snow ever. So much for moving to a milder climate. Hopefully the rest of the winter will be better. We will send pics as soon as my other computer is unpacked. This computer doesn't have my camera software. Hope you are all healthy and happy.


Tim and Cindy Larsen said...

I can't believe you already moved... I didn't see a moving truck or even know it was this soon..... but I'm happy for you guys and hope you really come to love it and make great friends! lots of love, Cindy

Jalyn said...

Hi guys hope you got moved in alright, can't wait to see you all. We are so glad that you moved to Idaho hopefully we can see more of each other. jalyn