Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Aspen is 9

I can't believe I am old enough to have a 9 year old. Aspen had a great birthday! She had a party in her homeroom class on Fri. and then her party on Sat. and then a party in her resource class on her real birthday on Mon. We are so glad she has so many nice friends. Thanks to everyone for making her special day or days fun.

Baby Blues

If you click on this picture it will blow it up and it looks much more dramatic.

The chase is on

Unfortunately I think this is going to be the story of their lives.

Lily's Haircut

I didn't show the pictures of her crying. She wasn't too happy once they sprayed the cold water on her head. I think the whole thing was a waste and I should have just done it myself except that I was worried I would make a huge mistake and have to take her anyway. Oh well, I get some really pineapple detangler that smells heavenly.

I'm a big kid now

These guys went from crawling to walking to running in a matter of weeks it seemed. They are big kids now. Lily can say all done, uh oh and has 16 teeth. Jude is into everything and has superhuman strength. They keep me on my toes.

Air Crew

It looks like these guys are ready to work on an air strip. We got these head phone things for Aspen so she can use them to block out noise when it gets too loud for her. We are also hoping if she learns to wear these she will begin to like wearing headphones for an MP3 player. Right now that freaks her out but she loves music so it would be great if she could get over her fear of having something over her ears. As you can tell she isn't too thrilled with these either but this was the first day. She has since worn them for 5 min. straight. That is improvement at least. The babies like them more that she does. Maybe that will motivate Aspen.

Preppy Yoda

Here is Yoda's new shirt. Is he stylin' or what?

Fall Harvest

I had to bring in all my tomatoes to avoid them all freezing and they are actually ripening. I guess I will be making a big batch of salsa. These carrots are way to gnarly for me. I did cut them up and use them in soup. They tasted fine but they look so scary I don't think I will plant them next year. I really enjoyed having a garden this year. I grew raspberries, strawberries, carrots, lettuce, spinach, zuchinni, corn and tomatoes. I dried my cornstalk and am going to use them by the front door to decorate with pumkins and hay for Halloween.

A big milestone

Aspen is finally learning to put on her own shoes. She does really well with these but now that it is getting colder we will see how tennis shoes go. Thank goodness for velcro.